Tax-Exempt Status

America's hospitals provide compassionate, high quality care 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but their benefit to their communities extends far beyond direct patient care.

Not-for-profit community hospitals do more than care for the injured and infirm; they promote and protect the health and well-being of their communities.

They work to make their communities healthier through numerous community outreach programs, education efforts, health screenings, and various wellness and prevention activities.

Not-for-profit hospitals are distinguished by certain charitable obligations that have evolved over time as they work to meet the changing health needs of their communities.

AHA Schedule H Project: 2020 Tax Year Benchmark Report

The AHA, assisted by Ernst & Young LLP (EY), has previously collected Schedule H tax filings to assist in advocacy efforts and demonstrate the community benefit tax-exempt hospitals provide to their communities. Participating hospitals received reports enabling them to compare th...

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